Staff Picks
DJ GAY-Z w/ Totally Cool Dad - 28th April, 2024:
DJ GAY-Z holds two unique titles in the Sector-verse: First, he’s the only Resident to live outside of the Gulf Coast (big up all the Orlando massive). As a member of Soft Collective, GAY-Z set pace for Central Florida’s re-integration into the Global Dance conversation pre-pandemic. The collective blended disparate styles rarely heard together in Florida parties, and took the DIY route when club nights couldn’t be secured, throwing house parties instead—a story familiar to anyone paying attention to the years-long development of the Gulf Coast Sound. All that to say, GAY-Z is certi in the Gulf Coast and properly earned his slot. Second, as of this letter, GAY-Z holds the title of Resident With the Most Guest Shows, with a solid 5 b2b shows in the archive for y’all to listen back to. This week GAY-Z brings along fellow Orlando selector Totally Cool Dad for a pumping & skittering exploration of Vocal House and NY-NJ Garage flavors. Peep the backstory on the Sonique track they drop for another entry in Florida’s global dance lore.
Angels Only: Vom Dog - 1st May, 2024:
In conversation with Angels Only founder Vom Dog, he makes clear that one of his biggest goals is creating transformative experiences and spaces, for himself and others. The last entry in their party series Rude turned a stuffy, nondescript, 80-ish capacity storage room into one of the livest parties in the Gulf Coast in the last couple years, making good on his mission statement. The transformations continued this week on Angels Only’s Sector debut, turning the Wednesday broadcast into a contemplative slow crawl through Sludgy Ambient, fuzzed out dance-punk, and creeping Noise arrangements. Rude is a dance party, but this hour sits in a different zone; Its made for the brain—not in an IDM Listserv, “Are You Sitting Comfortably?” kinda way, but more for the part of your brain that creates excitement when you watch a horror film or navigate your way through a haunted house. Did I mention this aired at 2PM?